Veins Gel long-acting is an effective remedy for fatigue, swelling of the legs and severe manifestation of veins.
Veins Gel strengthens the walls of blood vessels, making the venous pattern less pronounced. It has a calming, anti-inflammatory effect, prevents thrombosis. The cooling effect relieves heaviness in the legs and removes excess fluid from the body. Reduces permeability and fragility of capillaries. Restores healthy skin tone.
Essential body care during weight gain and pregnancy. It alleviates the symptoms of varicose veins: swelling, heaviness in the legs, vascular pattern.
Ingredients: Mint, rosemary, eucalyptus, lemon, chestnut, mallow.
Application: Veins Gel is used in STYX body shaping programs as an underlay or corset to protect blood vessels, enhance lymphatic drainage, angioprotective, detox effects.